办公室: 旭日新楼 407
邮箱: ypxing@dhu.edu.cn
研究兴趣: 复杂信息决策理论与应用、:、医疗健康管理
东华大学旭日工商管理00856大满贯电玩城二维码, 讲师,硕士生导师;理学和经济学双学士学位、管理学博士学位。研究方向为复杂信息决策理论与应用、医疗健康管理决策等。发表SCI及SSCI学术论文10余篇,出版学术专著一部;Annals of Operations Research, JOS等学术期刊审稿人;主持包括国家自然科学基金青年项目、教育部人文社会科学青年项目、上海市启明星(培养)扬帆专项计划、上海市哲学社会科学规划青年项目、上海市教育科学研究项目“上海高校哲学社会科学研究专项”等5项国家和省部级项目,参与国家及省部级项目6项。
2016.09-2020.06 管理科学与工程, 经济管理00856大满贯电玩城二维码, 北京交通大学, 博士
2015.09-2016.06 概率论与数理统计, 理00856大满贯电玩城二维码, 北京交通大学, 硕士
2010.09-2014.07 数学与应用数学, 金融学, 理00856大满贯电玩城二维码, 河南工业大学, 学士
2020.09至今 旭日工商管理00856大满贯电玩城二维码, 东华大学, 讲师
2018.09-2019.09 Robert H.Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, 访问学者
2020 北京交通大学优秀博士学位论文
2019 国家奖学金、智瑾奖学金
2018 国家奖学金
[1] YP Xing, J Wang. Performance evaluation for medical alliance in China based on a novel MAGDM technique with Archimedean copulas-based Hamy operators and extended best-worst method. Digital Health (SSCI);.2023; DOI 10.1177/20552076231196997
[2] L Gai, HC Liu, YJ Wang, YP Xing*. Green supplier selection and order allocation using linguistic Z?numbers MULTIMOORA method and bi?objective non?linear programming. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making. (SCI); 2023; 22, 267-288;
[3] YP Xing, Lin Wang. Evaluation for hierarchical diagnosis and treatment policy proposals in China: a novel multi-attribute group decision-making method with multi-parametric distance measures. International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 2022; 37(2):1089-1117. (SSCI);
[4] YP Xing*. q-Rung orthopair fuzzy frank power point aggregation operators with new multi-parametric distance measures. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (SCI). 2021.41(6):7275-7279;
[5] L Wang, YP Xing*. Risk Assessment of a Coupled Natural Gas and Electricity Market Considering Dual Interactions: A System Dynamics Model. Energies (SCI),2022; 16(1):223
[6] YP Xing, RT Zhang, J Wang, KY Bai, J Xue. A new multi-criteria group decision-making approach based on q-rung orthopair fuzzy interaction Hamy mean operators. Neural Computing and Applications. 2020, 32(11): 7465-7488 (SCI);
[7] YP Xing, RT Zhang, Z Zhouand J Wang.. Some q-rung orthopair fuzzy point aggregation operators for multi-attribute decision making. Soft Computing,2019:23(22):11627-11649; (SCI);
[8] YP Xing, RT Zhang, XM Zhu and KY Bai. q-Rung orthopair uncertain linguistic Choquet integral operators and their application to multi-attribute decision making. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 2019: 37 (1), 1123-1139; (SCI);
[9] YP Xing, RT Zhang, MM Xia and J Wang. Generalized point aggregation operators for dual hesitant fuzzy information.Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 33 (2017), 515-527; (SCI);
[10]YP Xing, RT Zhang, J Wang and XM Zhu. Some new Pythagorean fuzzy Choquet-Frank aggregation operators for multi-attribute decision making. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2018:33(11):2189-2215. (SCI);
[11]RT Zhang, BT Zhao,YP Xing, KY Bai. A novel multicriteria decision‐making approach with unknown weight information under q‐rung orthopair fuzzy environment. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2021; 36:7309–7339.
[12]AH Ye, RT Zhang, P Wu, YP Xing. q-Rung orthopair fuzzy TOPSIS method and the application to information service quality evaluation in online health community. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 41 (2021) 3697–3714
[13]RT Zhang, YP Xing,